When my class goes to camp there can be a challenge, and sometimes we can get scared through those things we face, I don’t really feel scared from the activities we are going to do, because it is not really that dangerous unless if the people on the ground pull the rope to save you is too late you will fall onto the ground and you might be in a comma. I am scared with only two things is that I am actually very scared with the dark and in camp when we go to the toilet we have to like go out in the dark with our torch, well its not like I am alone but I am usually scared of the dark. If the waves are calm we will build rafts in a group and use it to go out to the ocean in our wet suits, but if I had to swim in the ocean where it is very deep I would be scared because I won’t really be able to see what is under me and won’t know what’s coming, but I can still swim it's just I get scared. Everyone will conquer their fears it’s just they need to keep doing it and they will get used to it like some people are very brave but everyone will always have fear.