I am a Year 7 student at Saint Patrick's School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Mrs Dines.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Do You Know Who Stephen Was?
WALT identify who Stephen was in the early church community. I know this when I write 8 facts about Stephen using the information given to us.
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
We Must Continue The Work Of Christ!
WALT recognize how the church continues Christ's saving work by celebrating the Liturgy.
I know this when I use the bible to choose the right Sacrament for the right scripture reference.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Make Sure You Do Not Touch It Or It Could Kill You!
Fire is a type of gas that is really hot and it is red. It can sometimes be yellow. Fire is used for cooking and providing warmth. Fire can be used for survival or can cause death. Some people are killed by fire from electrical faults, because they leave the electricity on for too long. Its not safe to touch fire because you may get burned or killed from the hot gas.
Some people use fire to torture others in a cruel way. There are also people that play with fire for fun but then the fire spreads around the place uncontrollably and it begins to burn everything in its way. Fire causes smoke and it is dangerous for people to inhale because it can cause damage to the lungs.
If you have trouble with fire and if you can’t stop it, then call 111 for New Zealand Firefighters. Firefighters are people who help people who have trouble with fire. They use water to stop the fire to avoid injuries or death. Firefighters use protective gear so they won’t get burnt by it, Whenever someone is trapped in fire and they have no other way to escape, they dash through to put out the fire and take the person to safety.
A volcano has fire and it’s called lava. When it erupts, the lava comes out and destroys everything in its way. Lava is like fire because it’s a really hot gas and when it goes all over your body your body burns. Fire is hot and dangerous.
Fire can be dangerous and useful. It is important to understand how fire works and use it carefully so that you don’t hurt yourself.
Learning intention: We are learning to write an explanation using the correct structure.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I organize my ideas into paragraphs.
Monday, 10 November 2014
Do You Want To Know The Reason Why The Church Celebrates Eucharist Every Sunday?

Saturday, 8 November 2014
Try To Stay Away From The Water When There Is A Tsunami!!
WALT identify how we can protect ourselves during a Tsunami. I know this when I can list 3 ways of what to do during a Tsunami.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Prepare For A Tsunami Before It Strikes!!!

I can do this when I write a list of things that are needed to make an emergency kit.
Friday, 24 October 2014
Do You Know Much About Water?
WALT write an explanation writing.
I know this when I can use descriptive language to explain about water.
Water is a type of liquid that you can drink. It is part of nature.
Outside or inside, How many times have you seen water? It is used for drinking when you are thirsty and it can even be used for experiments. It is a liquid and no one can make water because it’s nature so they have to find a water source. People find water for themselves in order to survive.
How many times do you drink water everyday? Without water we would all become very thirsty and dehydrated that we could die. When you put your face in the water for a long time, you start to lose oxygen which may cause you to drown and face death.
70% of our body is water and that is why we cry, sweat and bleed. Do you know that our blood is part water? 83% of our blood is water. What other drinks do you drink? Do not drink too much soft drinks and juice but drink more water.
Water is important because without it we cannot clean things, or grow plants. Also sea animals need it as their habitat. Water is also very useful for humans because we can use it for sports like swimming and underwater hockey.
John Williams The Greatest Film Composer!!!
WALT develop our understanding of the APOPS orchestra.
I know I can do this when I write 6 facts from Te Manu Ahi study guide about John Williams.
I know I can do this when I write 6 facts from Te Manu Ahi study guide about John Williams.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Do This Everyday!!!
WALT identify various ways people worship God through Karakia.
I know this when I illustrate 5 ways to show how we can worship God.
Friday, 26 September 2014
A Gift That Paua Received From Tangaro!!!
WALT celebrate and incorporate Maori creation stories into our lives.
Success criteria: I know this when I illustrate the important elements from the story of Tangaroa's gift.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Experience More About A Country Called Qatar!!!!
WALT celebrate and understand the Qatar culture.
I know I can do this when I write 5 facts about Qatar.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
The Person Who Shows The 3 Gifts Of The Holy Spirit!
WALT understand the gifts that we receive from the Holy Spirit and how we can express them in our lives.
I know this when I write 5 ways that Bruce shows faith, love and hope.
I know this when I write 5 ways that Bruce shows faith, love and hope.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
What Acts Of Kindness Will I Do?
I know this when I can write at least 3 random acts of kindness in my Gratitude challenge calendar.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Learn More About Tonga!
Friday, 29 August 2014
What Do You Need To Know Before You Can Build A House?
WALT understand perimeter and area.
I know this when I explain perimeter and area in my own words and how to work out the area of a rectangle.
Saturday, 23 August 2014
About The Letter A!
WALT describe a character from a book.
I know I can do this when I write the actions that matches the adjectives used to describe the
I know I can do this when I write the actions that matches the adjectives used to describe the
Thursday, 21 August 2014
How We Can Save The Bees!
WALT identify ways to increase the chances of a bees' survival.
I know I can do this when I write 3 ways on how we can save the bees' environment.
I know I can do this when I write 3 ways on how we can save the bees' environment.
Symbols Of The Holy Spirit!
WALT identify the symbols of the Holy Spirit.I know this when I match the symbols of the Holy Spirit to the scripture references.
Monday, 18 August 2014
A Day For Pets!
WALT find and explain the character's feelings in the text.
I know this when I write 4 emotions that the character felt and describe why she felt that way in my own words.
Monday, 4 August 2014
What I Want To Learn About Bees!
These are my questions about Bees. We used padlet to put our questions in.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
What would you like to pray for this Term?
Monday, 30 June 2014
Can You Do The Mint Challenge?
WALT read and interpret the graph of a statistical investigation.
I know this when I write four statements about the Mint Challenge.
1.The person that has less cm is 9.
2.There is a person that has the most and is 95 cm.
3.There is this person that almost bet the person that has 95 cm had 91 cm.
4.The person that has 86 cm is the 3rd best of the class.
1.The person that has less cm is 9.
2.There is a person that has the most and is 95 cm.
3.There is this person that almost bet the person that has 95 cm had 91 cm.
4.The person that has 86 cm is the 3rd best of the class.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
So Many Good Fruits!
WALT understand and interpret information on a graph.I know this when I can write 2 statements about the chart.
1.Orange is the favourite because it is juicy and sweet.
2.Pear was the least because they are not juicy and not as sweet.
1.Orange is the favourite because it is juicy and sweet.
2.Pear was the least because they are not juicy and not as sweet.
Ways You Can Stop Sound!
WALT identify solutions to minimize sounds.
I know this when I list 5 ways to keep the noise level down.
Ear Muffs.,
Google Drawing,
Noise Control,
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Make The Sound Bounce!
WALT write a procedure writing in order using the correct structure. I know this when I list the steps in order.
Cardboard Tubes,
Ceramic plate,
Cork Mat,
Hard Plate.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
How To Make A Wonderful Paper Ring!
WALT write a procedure writing in order using the correct structure. I know this when I list the steps in order.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
The Timeline Of Jesus
WALT understand what life was life for Jesus.
I know this when I write 3 events that Jesus endured in his lifetime.
Friday, 23 May 2014
This recipe will fill you up!
WALT write a procedure using the correct writing structure.
Success criteria: I know this when I write the instructions in order.
Success criteria: I know this when I write the instructions in order.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Learn About The New Testament In The Bible!
WALT understand the new testament. I know I can do this when I write 4 facts about the New Testament in the bible.
New Testament,
Old Testament,
Friday, 9 May 2014
My Mum Is Special!
WALT write a description about my Mother. I know this by writing about how special my mother is,
My mother is special to me because she provides a good life for me. She raised me and I am happy that I am alive. My Mum is a nice mother and she helps me with things that I need help with. She keeps me safe from danger and tells me the right thing to do. She is an awesome mother who takes very good care of me. She works very hard and she tries to be a good person like the way that God wants us to be. I love her for all these things and she loves me too. I am happy with my mum, because she makes me feel safe. When I’m with her, I am not lonely. She is a special mother.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Jesus Has Risen From The Dead
WALT understand the importance of Jesus resurrection. I know this when I can draw the three other ways expressing the celebration of the Eucharist during Easter.
Thursday, 17 April 2014
The Delicious Food For Shared Lunch!
apple pie,
chocolate muffin,
filipino bread,
fruits kebabs,
normal bread,
sausage rolls,
spring rolls,
Monday, 14 April 2014
The Facilities In Panmure and Glen Innes!
Glen Innes,
All The Sounds We Can Hear!
What are sounds? It is something that you can hear with your ears. Sounds are noises, voices, things you can hear. In your ears, you have an anvil, and a stirrup bone in your ear that vibrates when it hears sound. It sends messages to your brain to tell your body to respond or react to it.
Sounds are sound waves that vibrates in the air and the sounds are collected in the outer ear. The anvil, the hammer and stirrup wiggle and it moves the liquid in the ear.
The brain can make sense and recognize the sound waves. We have ears to listen, hear, and to understand people and our environment.
We need all the important parts in our ear to hear, listen, and to understand each other. If we can’t hear anything, we would find it very difficult to function in our everyday lives.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Why Does Our Heart Beat?
The heart is an organ inside our body. When you exercise, run, jog or lift your legs up fast, you can hear and feel something beating inside your chest, Is your heart beating.
Every heartbeat is the sound of the heart pumping as it pushes the blood around the body. When the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood through the tiny tubes that lead it to every part of its body, this is blood circulating inside the body. This system is called the circulatory system.
When you run, jog or lift your legs up high, your heart beats faster because it needs to produce more oxygen. There are four main components-red blood cells, white blood cells, Liquid and plasma.
After the blood is pushed to all the parts of the body, It is then pushed back again (It takes less than a minute for blood to go all over the body).
Our heart is very important because it is what keeps us alive. We would die without it.
blood cells,
rich blood,
white blood cells
Friday, 28 March 2014
The Panmure Cottage In The Past
In the 19th century in the cottage the furniture and things in the cottage are in the 19th century. The things there were was a lot of different things in the present, the objects were really weird inside the cottage.
Before in the 19th century what they used to vacuum was very different, the vacuum they have does not have electricity, there are no sounds in the 19th century vacuum and you have to move the top part up and down so it can suck the dirt inside. In the cottage they showed this dress the 3 baby girls wore, all of them had the same dress and it also showed the dress on display.
In the 19th century they had this object that makes fire in the middle part looks like a heart like and at the back it has to handals to push down and the top part has a small pole. In the 19 century they had a a long saw made for 2 people to cut wood and to cut tree’s witch is so sad to tree’s.
In the 19th century they do not have bicycles that have 2 wheels but they only have bicycles that have 3 wheels, these bikes are a little different then the bikes in the present now. There was rooms with photos that shows places that use to look like in the 19 century. In the 19th century they do not have bathrooms in our time, there toilets are a bowl of some sort and they pee in it or poop in it and they throw it away.
In the 19th century they had to use candles for light in there house because they have no electricity in there time of the year, in their time they do not know about electricity. In the 19th century they do not use matches or any other fire objects with fire that we use usually for fire but they make fire with coal. The reason why we have to maintain the cottage because so that people can learn the 19th century.
Friday, 14 March 2014
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