
Friday, 5 April 2013

The coolest Class Dojo ever

About class dojo. We can get points if when we do something not good from school your teacher you a negative dojo point if you did something good you get a dojo point.  You can change your avatar when Mrs Richardson says its OK.  There is a chart that tells you your Progress this week. The numbers show how many % it is. Last you can see your other classmate's Avatar.


  1. HI Drey love your coolest dojo ever and your avatar you are the one who is so bright. Did you love having 100% in your dojo i impressed with you dojo.

  2. WOW! Drey I love your dojo character. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hi drey

    I really love your classdojo character it is so cool and interesting.

    From Antonia


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